
* Adding to the comfort of the festival’s concert hall are cushioned seating in amphitheatre style, covered windows and a roof.
* Gates open two hours before the scheduled starting time of a performance. The Summer Terrace and sales points are also open at the same time.

* Gates will be open 2 hours before the performance starts.  The festival venue cafes are open for everyone, no festival ticket needed!

* We recommend that you park in the Regati car park or in the car park of Pirita’s Selver supermarket. Parking is free of charge. The car park in front of the convent is reserved throughout the festival.

* Visitors in wheelchairs are asked to contact the organisers at the gate so that we can escort you to your seat in the most convenient and comfortable way.

* The following is prohibited on festival premises:
- photography, filming and other forms of recording of performances without the consent of the organiser
- food and drink you have brought with you; pets; umbrellas; items which may endanger your own life or health of those of other visitors; narcotic, psychotropic and other intoxicating substances.